Monday, January 29, 2007


People who don't say, "Bless you" when someone sneezes are a pet peeve of mine. I don't know why. They just ARE. It's rude.

Saying it is just one of those little rules we as a society follow. You know the ones? They're called manners. C'mon...really, how hard is it? My kids have said it since they could babble. I've uttered it during exams without looking up; said it to strangers in stores. The reply is always, "Thank you." *smile*

It's just a simple acknowledgement...yes, I know you're here and you just made a loud noise you couldn't control...sometimes that's embarassing...but, I excuse you from embarassment and offer a blessing. We're people of good manners.

How very polite and civilized.

I really hate it when people ignore a sneeze. Nails on a chalkboard? No problemo. But for the love of gawd, when my brain tries to propel itself out through my nose, say "Bless you." How hard is that? Everyone who knows me is well-aware of this stupid, little glitch in the make-up of moi. Today I was in the car with three other people.

I sneezed and...nothing. My eyebrow went up as I looked at each one pointedly. The girls were lost in the iPods. Okay, the ladies are excused.

Manimal said, "What?"

"You know how I feel about that."

"Not the sneezing thing again."


"Why is it such a big deal to you?"

"It's just polite. Why is it a big deal to you?"

He treated me to The Sigh.

"I'm just saying since you know how much it bothers me, it would be nice if you tried."

"So I don't say it." He was becoming agitated. "It's not like I think you're possessed by the devil because you sneezed."

I had to ponder a moment. HUH????? Possessed? WTF is he talking about?

It's a little unfortunate that we both decided to speak at almost the same time.

Moi: "It's just good manners."

Him: "You were raised that way. I wasn't."

He didn't take kindly to the laughing. Let's call this one even.

: D


Anonymous said...

Poor you... I'm glad to be the opposite.

I prefer when people don't pay attention to my nose things - I do 3 bombs a day with my nose, for the God of Dust.

In fact, it can get on my nerves when people bless me all the time. The repetition makes it loose its sense. So it's only words.

But you know, I'm not complaining. Three bombs a day, people get bored fast! So they bless me in their heart, in silence.

Janet Webb said...

Bless you my child. Blessings be on your head. Bless me, was that a cyclone or a sneeze?

And have a blessed day. Sorry LOL!! I'll be looking for people to bless today :)

Anonymous said...

They started saying bless you b/c they thought it was the "devil" so yes, Manimal is correct.

Personally, not something I worry about.

But I can be more annoying than Janet if you'd like????????


Anonymous said...

So Pantsless is on a church golf outing - lucky 'he' gets the pastor is his foursome - somebody sneezes - Pantsless does the "bless you" thing and the "man of God" gives him a sermon, "that's God bless you . . . who do you think you are to bless someone?" Jeez oh Petes - they take that stuff so seriously . . .

I'm with you, it's polite, it causes no harm, and while we're at it let that lady cut-in in front of you too, I don't care if it means you miss this light, and hold the door for the people behind you . . . random acts of kindness should rule the day.

Janet Webb said...

Oh gee, re-reading my comments, I can see how they might be misinterpreted ... gosh, I'm so sorry!! For a few years I worked in a tiny school for kids with learning differences and it seemed like someone -- be it a teacher or a student -- was ALWAYS sneezing!! I said a lot of "Bless you's"!

And I'm with Cindy: how can it hurt to let someone cut-it or to say to the person behind you in the check-out, you go ahead :) ... pass it forward ...

R&R said...

HI DAN: Welcome to the Zoo. Please don't drop any bombs and we'll ignore your nose things. : ) You make any other sacrificial offerings we should know about???

JANET: I LOL @ your comment...but Dan might've been annoyed ; )

SIN: I was right with you up until that stupid woman tried to cut in front of me. Nope, not happening sistah! I drive like a guy. How 'bout I come pick up the pastor? He'll be prayin' in no time, I'll preach at him and then Pantsless will be avenged! : )

R&R said...

FW2: You're not playing right. Manimal is NEVER right. Sheesh. : )

Anonymous said...

"THE SIGH" That is awesome lol. "The Sigh" has been the topic of many a conversation between supah stah and I recently. Anyone who knows manimal definately know "THE SIGH" lol
