Friday, December 22, 2006


Stay with me, there is a logical path...

As if I don't have enough left on my to-do list, I spent half the day reading blogs, instead of doing what any sane person would do - finish the gift buying and creative, artsy wrapping and get the baking of decadent morsels over with. But, noooo, not me. I started reading blogs. Jumped from Lemon Stand's blogroll to Boudicca's Voice, then I popped into She Who Will Be Obeyed. It gets blurry after that. Helplessly, I was sucked into the vortex of the blogosphere.

By the time I dragged myself away from the computer, my eyes were burning, my ass was numb and I got a headache because I still have to get all that other shit done before Christmas. Seriously big upside to this is all the great stuff out there (added some to the blogroll.) The downside is I don't think I'll be able to return to work as I will be far too busy reading blogs.

Another downer was attacking the to-do list like a grown-up would. I really hate when I'm forced to do that. Sugah Pie & I hit the grocery store to stock up on all the festive foodstuffs, half of which I didn't get - because I forgot the list sitting beside the computer.

Naturally, as soon as I got home I checked e-mail, because the grown-up stuff is exhasting and a girl needs to play. Wouldn't ya know it? V-Medic sent me over to the bb, where Bonz posted a link to get your own peculiar aristocratic title that she found on Smart Bitches. You did notice my title above? Yep, that's me all right. Viscountess Robyn the Talkative. Who knew???

Royal wave to The Prof, who's likely still laughing her ass off. : )

After playing around with the title generator and catching up on emails, I thought it prudent to accomplish something useful. At 2:30 am I started baking; by 4:30 the missing ingredients were becoming a problem and I was so wired I had to keep going. My faithful dog Rex and I headed off to the 24 hour grocery store. It's kind of creepy to shop at that hour because it's so damn quiet, but man-oh-man, do you ever get fast service!! I may have found a way to make my insomnia work for me.

Home by 5:30, armed with a coffee, I carried on with the bakefest. Rex gave me a disgusted look and headed back to sleep on the couch like a sane creature would do. As it was almost morning, the cats ventured out to observe what the hell I was doing. All for the loss of one night's sleep, there's Molasses Crinkles, Hottie Biscottis, Rum Balls, Peanut Brittle, Nanaimo Bars, and Elves Ears. Pear Mincemeat is bubbling away, and I've got enough freakin' Fudge to feed an army: White Chocolate/Cranberry, Rum/Raisin, M&Ms, and Peanut Butter. My house smells INCREDIBLE.

Amaretto/Almond fudge turned out to be my downfall though. It seemed like the candy thermometer was malfunctioning (at that point, who could blame it for going on the fritz?) because the temp sat at 225 degrees for a long time. To test if it had gotten to the hard ball stage, I grabbed a spoon to drop a bit in cold water. Hmmm...not quite. Then, like a moron, I licked the spoon.


I swear I heard my tongue sizzle as I ran for the sink, tripped over the damn cat, smashed my wrist on the counter, and stuck my mouth under the tap. It's possible the cat was laughing at me. As I stood there with the cold water running over my abused tongue, I realized if I'd gotten baking done during the day, I would've been asleep instead of licking molten hot fudge.

So there you have it. Blogging burnt my tongue.


Anonymous said...

That's her excuse and she's sticking to it :) Haven't made the cookie stage and not going to until after Xmas. Mom said she'd bring some and Ed made some macaroons. It'll give Greg and I something to do when he's driving me batty over the holidays.

My list is shrinking....kinda :)

Anonymous said...

Hey!!! What about the grinch poo?
