Tuesday, October 03, 2006


So much for blogging every day...my laptop bit the dust this week. Amazing how dependant we become on technology. I was not the most rational human being as I scanned, defragged, and re-scanned, ad nauseam!

I think the Prince finally had enough of me whining. After we closed the shop today, he surprised me to the extent I temporarily lost the power of speech. And don't we all know how rarely that occurs?

Prince: "Why don't we go over to Funky Store and get you a new laptop?"
Me: "Huh?"
Prince: "Well, maybe they've got some good sales on. Let's go have a look."
Me: "Huh?"
Prince: "Am I speaking English?
"Me: "Uhmm, yeah...but you're, you know...cheap."
Prince, sighing dramatically, "Do you want a new laptop or not?"
Me: "Yes. And if you buy me one, I might even stop saying you're cheap."
Prince: "Not likely."

He knows me so well.

I hopped into the truck lickety-split and off we went. After firing questions at Salesboy, we finally agree on a model and headed to the register to ring that sucker up. Prince smiled at me. I was just lovin' him so much at that moment. Then suddenly, he reminded me I sometimes like him better when he doesn't talk. "Merry Christmas, babe."
Me: "Not likely. Think jewelry."
Prince to Salesboy: "This deal is over."
Me to Prince: "So is your sex life."

Prince narrowed his eyes, trying to gauge the seriousness of that threat. Salesboy was starting to sweat. I held Prince's gaze, remaining confident. He's a guy, no way he's gonna chance it. I'm golden. Finally, he shook his head and laughed. "You're welcome. Here's my debit card. I'm going to look at guy stuff."

HAH!! I didn't know they sold beer at Funky Store!! Well, they dont, but they should - for all the poor guys like Prince who put up with wickedly smart women like me.

So, Prince...my new laptop ROCKS and I'm going to work hard on that project. Thank you for making it easier to do.

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