Thursday, June 21, 2007


I know ya tried to outwit me, leaving this anonymous post a little while back, but I'm too clever for ya!

"...Hey, don't forget MY birthday is coming up very soon. Bulging muscles, leather and tasteful tattoos are always welcome!..."

TA-DA!!! Your wish is my command, K-Bear. You're a wickedly good friend and I wish you the happiest of birthdays!! You asked for leather. This guy's caption is "Don't make me use it!" Recommended answer is, "Um, yeah...go ahead, baby, use it." ; ) Wouldn't it be awesome if everything got bigger with just a little click? *snicker* Don't worry, I'll buy ya a new mouse.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Yikes! I almost forgot the rest of your message! Sorry, my mind wandered. Heheh.

"...this is the Big 45 and I explained "the women live longer so I didn't miss the midlife crisis at 40 because OUR mid life is a 45 thing" so I want phone numbers too...."

Okay, okay. Gawd, it's hard to be your best friend. Do you have any idea how demanding you are? Any concept of what lengths I will go to just to make you happy?!?! I'm off to get this guy's number for ya... *grumble, grumble, I'm such a damn good friend...bwahahahahaha*

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Before I go, I can almost hear Trucker bitching. "Wah wah wah, it's all guys. What about the men? Don't we deserve some biker chicks or sumptin'?"

Trucker, dude....of course you do! Haven't I always said turn about is fair play? Of course I have! Unless it serves my purpose to conveniently forget that. Today, however, it works for me. So, here they are....

Now, since it's her birthday, how 'bout you give your biker chick a ride? Swing that wrench, boy! ; )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

for the love of GAWD and ALL the damn saints.....WARN a GIRL BEFORE she wanders into that...

{{SHOVES K-Bear aside}}}} to get to number 6....DEAR GAWD IN HEAVEN...I'm in love (or at least lust>>>>WHEW)Sorry, K-bear...b-day or not (oh happy day to you) are gonna have heel marks on your back if you and I are in the same room with THAT man at the same time...