Sunday, May 06, 2007


A picture in my living room says, "A good mother is like a quilt. She keeps her children warm, but doesn't smother them."

Makes sense, yes? I've tried to live by it. Some days are tougher than others. This weekend, I've felt like my life as a mom is so fluid I'm considering wearing water-wings 24/7. A week ago, we'd decided to purchase another house and rent this one to Supah Stah and some of his friends. Tonight, he's packed and leaving for his drive to Alberta in the morning. For two months. *whimper* I wonder if he'll come back or if this is the start of his life "out there on his own."

Tink is stealing my baby-boy (oh yeah, he loves it when I call him that ; ) and it's a good thing I love her or I'd be royally pissed. Tippy the Stealthmachine is going on his Master Corporal's course - gotta love the military - he's been waiting months for this course, and on Friday they finally told him he starts next week. Hurry up and wait, wait, GO! GO! GO!!! (So sorry about it screwing up your family life - you should have had a plan, soldier-boy.)
Yeesh, we don't miss that part here on Civvy Street. Between work, school and life in general, Tink's going to need a wee bit of help with the rugrats. I'm glad Supah Stah can lend a hand, but holyshamoley, am I ever going to miss him. This cutting the cord thing...not going so well for me. You know those kids that live with their parents into their early thirties? I'm so freakin' jealous. My kid is clawing at the door to get out..."I'm eighteen, let me go, damnit!!!"

Hmmm, perhaps I should review mothering skills?

Gawd love him, he spent the weekend with us - I knew he was taking pity on Mom, but I took it, okay? Saturday night we took him and his girlfriend out for dinner and to play a few games of pool. As I sank one seriously flukey shot, he said, "That's my Mama!" with such pride...and then proceeded to wipe the floor with me. Pity only goes so far : D

Sunday we had family & friends over to give him a going away/Mother's Day/Father's Day/Supah Stah's Birthday all rolled into one. He'll miss all of them...I cannot believe I'm not going to be the one to buy him his first legal drink on his 19th. DAMN! I've been waiting for that. Grrr...Tink, you'd better get pictures - and please keep an eye on him - the Cougars really love m'boy.

This headline caught my eye because of Sinful's hubby, Pantsless. I thought fer shuure I could find a clever joke in it. However, this dude is just a greedy, mean-hearted prick and his Mama shoulda spanked him more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You'll manage.

Just think how quiet it will be :)

Have you found a new house yet or are you still looking??
