Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I'm pretty sure Electra and I got the smartass gene from Daddy though : ) Move on over Emily Post, R&R's gunna practice mah better-late-than-never etirquetteness.


Manimal and I were so touched by the flowers sent to Vancouver for Ted's funeral. Thank you to the Sundance Family, for the lovely arrangement, and all your hard work while Manimal had to be away during this difficult time. To the Brigade and Spouses, thank you so much for the beautiful arrangement and your unwavering support from afar. worries about accidently signing Cindy's nickname to the card. I mean, puleeze...sending flowers to a Catholic church and signing one of the names as Sin??? That was CLASSIC...lmao!!! Ted would've thought it was absolutely hilarious too. Sincere thanks to everyone who contributed. Your kindness and generosity is appreciated so much.

Lemon Stand: Thank you for the lovely note and books. Little laughs that don't require too much concentration - how perfect! The Little Encyclopedia of Outrageous Excuses is fab and it's living in my purse from now on. The cat book is a huge hit - not much cheers up Ranger like goofy cats - AND there's a website : ) My Cat Hates You is must-see fun. My personal favourite is the cat lying on it's side, staring at a dead mouse. Caption: "I win!" Mrah harharah!! Mamacita thoroughly enjoyed it. She's already passed it around to a few friends in her building, so not only did you bring laughter to us, P., your kindness has touched many. Thanks again.

Apple: There truly are no words to express our gratitude for everything you and Strike have done, but I have the need to thank you for one more thing. As painful as those last hours were, I'm so grateful it was you with me, answering my questions and helping me hang on to courage. Let's never forget we share a bird - he'll watch over us, AM, always.

GBG: Thank you for the gorgeous e-card...I added a li'l prayer for your Mama when I read it. After we raise a glass to your Mama and my Daddy on the Frog Hop Op, will ya join me in toasting Ted? Heheh...we can pay our respects and should we happen to get smashed, we can blame our parents! Brilliant, yes?

Sig Sauerpuss: Thank you so much for the the stuffed friend to help me feel froggy...she's too cute and is sitting on my dresser, reminding me of wonderful people like you, G. The bath salts were divine and I can hardly believe I was lucky enough to receive one of the coveted Body Shop Cocoa Butter lip balms (discontinued, and I got one as a gift! OMG!) It's yummy. As for the encouraging "word" you sent in the card, it works for me too!! We'll have to have a few encouraging words together soon. ; )

Nina, C.C., Echo Mahvelous and FW2: Thanks so much for the beautiful cards! S, I'm sorry I missed the date in Toronto with you and Ang...I need deets. Did you have a great time? Take any pictures? Please tell me you ladies didn't behave yourselves. How great was it to get a break from mommyhood? I hope it you had wonderful time and we will get together soon. Please email me all about it. EM, I was ROTFLMAO about slinging SEALs over my shoulder. You're too funny and I so hope you'll surprise us in VAB!!

Cmdr., Beebles and Electra: For those long, patient phone calls, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope you know how important it's been to have a safe place to talk about how the past affects what I'm feeling right now. Just by being the incredible women you are, you gave me that gift, without being judgemental or impatient. I am blessed to have you in my life.

K-Bear, Trucker and Li'l Kenevil: Thank you for the multitude of things you did in our absence, including, but not limited to, gathering the kitties out of the nasty elements, facing a very grumpy Rex and enthusiastic Roxy, and stuffing Li'l Kenevil through the bathroom window when Rex locked Mamacita out!! You're such dear friends and we sincerely appreciate all your help, as always.

Cmdr: I'm going to blog tomorrow about the awesome gift basket/telephone game tomorrow, but have to say thanks so much. The "I've Got A Brand New Pair of Rollerskates" card was too perfect, even if you didn't propose again, you stalker, lol. As I told ya, my Froggy Angel has made it's home on the cozy, green ribbon of the XO's monkey in my car. Maybe they'll help my sense of direction????

Janet, Prof, V-Medic and Tango: Thank you for the consistent little messages that you care, whether your emails or phone messages with offers of support, hugs and encouragement were replied to or not, you continued to lift me up and re-assure me it was okay to let the guilt go. Also, thanks for acting as my private messaging system.

Tink: In-law/Out-law/Sister in my heart. I don't know how I would've gotten through it without you...hey, at least we didn't have to drive to Penticton, lol. No matter how hard it was, we still had a helluva lot of fun. I thank you for always knowing how to make me laugh.

The kindness of each of you has helped ease us through this difficult time, and I am truly blessed to have you as friends.


V-Medic said...

Tweet...I only have one thing to say......what is *family* for? That is what I consider the Brigade. You all are the sisters of my heart, and as such, you have my unconditional love, support and when needed, the occasional kick in the booty!lol. No need to thank us (though the post was fab!), it is what family does.....hugs.....V:0)

Anonymous said...

Will email you later. It was a good visit, just wish it could have been longer.

You're more than welcome for the card... I don't have your phone number or I would have called.

Hopefully, with March break you're getting a chance to settle in before life/school/kids go back into routine on Monday.


Anonymous said...

You're more than welcome. I kept wishing I could have done more.

Ditto what V said.


Janet Webb said...

I knew it: my procrastinating ways have finally caught up with me!! Either that or it's an offense to send lavender across the border ... I'm so glad you're home safe and sound and blogging again and if a package for dear Mamacita EVER arrives, would you let me know? :)