Tuesday, March 20, 2007


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I don't know if it's a springtime thing, or all those restaurant meals we ate while away, but I'm seriously pissed at my body right now. Or is it my clothes I'm pissed at? Maybe I'm just pissed off in general. Hmmm.

Since our return from Vancouver, Manimal's been on a health kick. After weeks away, we needed to re-stock the kitchen, so I expected our first grocery bill would be more expensive than usual, but surprise...four freakin' hundered dollars?!?!?!!! Yep, $400. Never, ever, ever happened before. I swear, during our early, rough years, I fed our family of five on $75 a week...those three sqares were well-balanced, nutritious meals.

Now Manimal's on the Atkins Diet he had such success with during his last deployment. I've pointed out he was also working out two hours a day, but he currently feels Atkins is the answer to losing his Molson muscle. I understand his motivation, and after the loss of a loved one, I think it's normal to feel an almost overwhelming desire to live a more healthy lifestyle. Personally, I was feeling it a bit myself, so the rest of the family has been dragged joining in. The most unhealthy thing in that cart was S'Mores Granola Bars for Sugah Pie.

Eating healthy is not cheap, or easy. I think it took three days before I was craving carbs like a woman possessed. The worst thing...I'm not looking or feeling better...and I still wanted the carbs!It wasn't until tonight I lost the battle. As he enjoyed a grilled pork chop and onion, salad and corn, I mowed down on an enormous plate of nachos, smothered in melted cheese. With glee, I picked up each, gooey chip and dunked it in sour cream. It was wonderful.

Except now I feel like crap. Lucky for Manimal, he's not gloating. Actually, he's been a complete sweetie tonight. I had a crappy day, the new secretary in my doctor's office lost my file so I had to reschedule, there's a whole scenario going on with Supah Stah that I've only confided to a few, and then I heard something from V-Medic that makes me very, very sad : (

To top it off, I'm still trying to track down the Body Rev I ordered before my life went to hell in a handbasket. I thought about it for so long and with all the great results everyone on the board was having, I was getting pretty excited. Apparently someone tried to deliver it while I was in Vancouver and taped a tag to my door. The tag got lost in the continuing melee of construction, ill parents, flights from hell, etc. Which means I have no idea if Canada Post, Purolater, or UPS tried to deliver it. And even if I did know, I don't have a tracking number to trace it. When I first got home, I called Body Rev and was told it had been shipped out US Priority and there wasn't a tracking number. Well, WTF???? It was over $250 and I'm not about to be satisfied with it being considered abandoned. How am I supposed to locate this piece of equipment I really, really think I could use for stress relief right about now, 'cuz the treadmill's just not cutting it...when I can't even summon up the energy to start the calling process again???
Ack, ack....hope you have a better day than me.

1 comment:

emily said...

isn't it shocking how expensive it is to eat right? i feel your pain - there are times when i'm like "ARGH!! i can't afford this!" because every week my grocery bill seems to be going up... it's mind boggling... carbs are way cheapre... lol

for your missing bodyrev, i was going to say that mine came via fedex... i dunno if they deliver in your area, and it doesn't sound like it went via fedex, but... that really sucks that it's MIA... hope you can find it!!