Friday, February 23, 2007


Please bear with me, I'm so friggin' exhausted I can't see straight.

She didn't get into the operating room until 5:30, which made for a long day of waiting....but everything went EXCELLENT. I can't even express how relieved and grateful we are. Thank you again for all your prayers and support!!!

The angiogram showed one of the five thingies <---- R & R technojargon
which were bypassed two years ago had collapsed. While they had her in the OR, the doc inserted a stent, and she was in recovery 45 minutes later. They keep her overnight and she gets to go home on Friday! : )

All my fears put to rest. NO complications during this angioplasty. NO new blockages. NO need to open her up again. NO long, painful recovery. When my mind isn't reeling, I'm hoping to come up with some eloquent words to bloody grateful I'm feeling that it turned out like this...maybe when the tears of profound relief slow down to a trickle...

Beebles is picking Mamacita up and spending the weekend with her. I can breathe a sigh of relief that she's in loving hands while I face what comes next. Ted's growing weaker and the medical staff is just trying to keep him comfortable - no limitations on morphine. Acceptance is coming slowly to all. Manimal's mom talked to him about the arrangements Ted wants. Such hard stuff, this is.

I decided to bring Sugah Pie to Vancouver. She's got nine cousins eagerly awaiting her arrival on Friday afternoon. I'm confident Supah Stah and Sweet Pea would have taken good care of her, but Manimal really needs some of her special Pie-hugs. After feeling so torn this week, I really need to have my baby close by, in case it'll be longer than anticipated. K-Bear and Trucker are my own private neighbourhood watch/nanny/hug 'em or bitchslap 'em service, so I can relax about the older two...what would I do without you guys??? I love ya.

Maybe Tango can blog about what I did on the highway tonight while I was on my cell with her (post a link in the comments.) She's got such a way with words, I'd love to hear how she'd describe a classic R & R moment...babbling about broken down cars, busted caps, snowstorms and strangers. Try to remember, I'm under a wee bit of stress, so be gentle in your judgement of me, please?


Lemon Stand said...

I am SOOOO glad it went well. Take it one moment at a time. Take the time to take care of yourself. You can't be any good to anyone else if you are not well. **said in most serious motherly tone**

Anonymous said...


We are still thinking about you all...and becareful in the wilds of Vancouver...sssshhhh don't tell anyone...but I have top secret intel that says yet MORE Canucks live there!...nods head wisely:)


Anonymous said...

You were driving.. stressed.. poor weather and cellphone... "shakes head sadly"... R&R, R&R.... sigh...

CMDR - Canucks live in Vancouver... really... they are kind of cute in their uniforms too :)

Safe travels. Good to hear your Mom is doing well.


V-Medic said...

FABULOUS NEWS!!! Good to hear about your mom! Now, you remember that you have to take care of *YOU* to be able to take care of Manimal. Still in my prayers...V

Tango said...

Alright Ranger. Your wish is my command.

Okay kiddies, it's R&R storytime. Today's title is: Road Ranger.

Keeping you & all in my thoughts and prayers!


Anonymous said...

Great news on your Mamacita...and prayers still for her continued recovery and with Manamimal's father.

Anonymous said...

Ditto, ditto, ditto to what the others have said. SUPER HAPPY AND RELIEVED to hear that Mamacita's situation wasn't more serious. She had us all scared for a few days.

Glad you and Sugar Pie can now be with the Manimal's family in BC - even if the place is over-run with MORE Crazy Canucks. (Laughing at the CMDR! We've got to get her to the True North.)

Still sending hugs and prayers and reminders to take care of yourself even a tiny little bit -- please?


DTF said...

So glad to hear it! You needed some good news! Still keeping you and everyone else in my thoughts and prayers!

Janet Webb said...

You're in my time zone if you've made it safely out to Vancouver :) ... and I'm part of our merry band of insomniacs! How wonderful that you're able to be here ... what a precious, never-to-be-forgotten opportunity. Hugs m'dear.