Sunday, February 18, 2007


Just to keep y'all up-to-date on happenings in the Zoo, I may be out of the loop for a bit. I'll catch up on blogging and email when I can.

Mamacita had a heart attack on Friday night and she'll be in ICU for three to four more days. I know it's the best place for her, but as you can imagine, I'm overwhelmed. For those who don't know, it's her fourth; she had by-pass surgery two years ago, has been in excellent health since then, but last week she got the flu. It was a real strain on her.

Good thoughts and prayers are certainly welcome.


Janet Webb said...

Oh Robyn, I'm so sorry -- you must be feeling just overwhelmed. You and your mum and your family are all in my prayers :)

I loved talking to her last week -- the apple doesn't fall far from the tree -- she is so outgoing and friendly. Tell her that she's being held up by a lot of hearts!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your Mom.

Even a short note like this is helpful and we can all find it instead of mass emails.


V-Medic said...

You got it Tweet. I am sending them up right now. If you need anything, let me know. Hugs...V

Anonymous said...

oh peeps...that sucks...what do you need?...I immediately ran for my shovel...thinking "surely there is someone I can hit for R&R"...but then realized..."Well, poop, there is NO ONE"....but should the need arise...I AM your woman....Let us know if there is ANYTHING you passport isn't here...but I don't mind causing an International incident by sneaking across the border if that is what is needed....besides..I will bring V-Medic with me and make her drive while I hide in the trunk...trussed up like a Christmas goose so it looks like she is kidnapping me:)
Hang tough Sweets, we are here
love ya

SINFUL said...

So sorry Tweet - keep us updated.

Don't forget to take care of yourself too!


Tango said...

I just sent you an email...mentioned you were quiet. Now I know why.

Sorry to hear about Mamacita. And you're correct. She's in the best place she can be right now. In a couple of days, she'll be home.

I'm lifting you all up in prayer. If I can help with anything ~ you know where I am.


Lemon Stand said...

I too have been out of the loop and just read this. Lots of prayers and hugs heading your way! Hang in there and let me know if you need anything!