Sunday, February 25, 2007


Yeah, I know you're shocked. Know what they say about weather in Vancouver?

If you can see the mountains it's going to rain.

If you can't see the mountains, it is raining.

The End.

Not much time - not much has changed. Grateful we made it to see Ted. He drifts in and out, but Sugah Pie and I have had a chance to spend some good time with him so I'm grateful we made it in time. It's an emotional roller coaster, everyone's exhausted, the family dynamics are a case study in dysfunction and I've been dubbed the family therapist. Being here sucks, not being here would suck worse.


V-Medic said...

Glad that you made it safe and sound! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers...V:0)

Janet Webb said...

Think I know how that goes! A la Charles Dickens: it was the best of times, it was the worst of times ... you must be SO glad that you're there! And you are in my thoughts ... absolutely :)

Tango said...

Continuing to lift you all up in prayer. Take it one moment, one day at a time.

I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record but take care of yourself too. Step away for a moment of quiet "R&R" time.


Anonymous said...


Checking in from Cold, snowy TO.

Hopefully, things will sort themselves out sooner rather than later. But it's better you are there than here.

I'm with Tango... find some personal time.


emily said...

hey you... glad you made it to the wet coast in one piece... sending you cyber hugs and good thoughts - the family is lucky to have you as a therapist!! like everyone's said - make sure you take time to be good to you too...

Lemon Stand said...

I'm so glad you got there safe and sound and have been able to have some time to make special memories. Take care of yourself! And just so you have something else to think about.... I sent you a little 'something' for you and Mamacita in the mail last week so it should be there when you get home....

See? Now you are wondering what I sent... Mrah ha ha. Nope, not gonna tell.

Hugs and prayers for your family. Let us know if you need anything at all.