Sunday, January 07, 2007


Being aware of the world around us is something I've always believed in, so I enjoy reading news from places I don't have the opportunity to visit. I learn lots of interesting, sometimes utterly useless things. Check out some of these headlines I saw this week:

"Calf born with two faces."

"Prisoner may have eaten cellmate."

"Suspected rat remains in beans."

Betcha you're wondering where the heck I saw those. Some rag at the grocery store check-out, like the National Enquirer? NOPE. Real headlines of real news, from credible sources.

Aside from being thoroughly grossed out, I think the trivia holding-cell in my brain must've overflowed after the two-faced cow.

Anyone remember what you get if you call 362-4368?


Janet Webb said...

That sounds like something Jon Stewart would do -- read nasty stuff from the headlnes ... how awful! Rat remains in beans. YUCK!!

Anonymous said...

362-4368? was that dirty deeds? ac/dc?


R&R said...

You betcha. Oh, Auntie is sooo proud...and after you searched so long for Beautiful Girls to go on the Sherwood Skank cd! I still play that in the car y'know.