Monday, January 15, 2007


It's just a few, and I reserve the right to change the list at my whim. : )


My kids, their friends, laughing, chats with older people, music, fresh coffee, first kisses, beaches, costume parties, garden fairies, loyal friends, rainy afternoons in bed, cherry cheesecake, ladybugs, firemen, sparkling pools, e-mail, butterflies, bravery, cats, freesias, sky blue-pink, strawberry Margaritas, smutty novels, weddings, forget-me-nots, learning new things, star gazing, make-up sex, crunchy peanut butter, horseback riding, honesty, Christmas, drive-in movies, smell of garden dirt, hammocks, family gatherings, lighthouses, candelight, crunchy veggies, , good books, cowboys, prezzies, freshly bathed babies, Bellinis, backrubs, cheese popcorn, road trips, autumn, loud music, obedient dogs, Creamsicles, walking at night when the snow crunches, movie marathons, roller skating, guys wearing combats, Tex-Mex, bubble baths, Hershey's kisses, watching fish in tanks, falling in love.


Smelly socks, birds in cages, runny eggs, cruelty, bad haircuts, being late, sunburn, crying in public, itches you can’t reach, temper tantrums, ornate gold-plated anything, liars, warm milk, the frizzies, tacky jewelry, judgmental people, diets, being kept waiting, saying goodbye, zits, hopelessness, flying, large crowds, hypocrites, losing control, being controlled, liver, "should’s," dentist spit sucker, hurting anyone, obnoxiousness, people who think kids deserve less respect than adults, squishy bacon, bossiness, insomnia, hip-huggers, addiction, freezing rain, budgets, not living in the moment, tofu, hunters, obsessions, falling out of love.



Janet Webb said...

What happened to Pina Colada and walks in the rain? LOL! Loved your list ... :)

Anonymous said...

Likes and dislsikes, huh?? Intersting day??
simply put;
Likes - freshly groomed puppies, lab puppies (the labradore kind, not the kind locked up in labs, lol) clean hoses, hot sunny weather, lauging, kids lauging, diet coke and chunky monkey ice cream. Oh yeah, french fries and cheesecake at Denny's!
Dislikes - crappy cars/trucks/vans, cracked windshields, people that do not clean up after themselves, bowel care routines, cold winter days when you can't stay in under the covers all day and getting stuck in the snow, oh yeah one more. Falling into a bunch of trees and 3 feet of snow while snoboarding : )
So what's new and excitng out there? Haven't heard from you in a while, hope you're okay. Hey congrats on the Saturn, I hear they are great cars. Any snow out there yet? It's late and I can't call so I took the opportunity to read the blog and see what's happing out there, some of it I already knew, some of it was a suprose ; ) Well, just wanted to say 'hi' and give you a little ;) Touch base soon, before i begin to thing the computer ubducted you.
Little l.k.

DTF said...

I love reading this... I may have to steal it for mine when I can't seem to find anything else to write about.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I'm impressed she hasn't demanded that we do our own :)


R&R said...

JW - Hey! I like that song, lol.

Tink - I miss you!! Call my cell.

DTF -'s perfect for those days and it is fun, let me know when you do yours.

FW2 - Silly girl, I don't demand, I merely make gentle suggestions. ; )

DTF said...

Gentle suggestions?!?! LMAO!!!! Is that what you call them?

R&R said...

DTF...*sniff* Yes.

LMAO...may I gently point out you are the most prolific of those who've received one of my gentle suggestions? Hmmmm? : )