Thursday, November 29, 2007


Ah, dear readers, I'm so sorry I disappeared. It's been crunch time on a couple of things I'm working on and things should be better by the end of next week. Too many projects, too little time...or so SupahStah says. Can't even begin to say how thrilled I was when he asked, "Bit off more than you could chew, huh?"

I was going to set him straight on THE FACTS. I'm very organized and getting the jobs done, thankyouvermuchMisterSmartiePants. But then I remembered I have a blog. Whoopsie! That kinda slipped my mind the past little while. Hey!!! At least I didn't forget a kid or something ; )

Mamacita and I are heading to the Cmdr's place on Friday morning to meet up with the Peeps and deliver the goodies from the SecretSanta4Vets excited!! SupahStah and his bud are HUGE Steelers fans and I actually won tickets on eBay for Sunday's game! So, they're coming with us....we'll have man-cubs to amuse, and most importantly, man-cub labour, to carry all the heavy boxes. Do I know how to work things to my benefit or what? ; )

Be good & stay safe!


Janet Webb said...

Howsa 'bout an SitRep? Love to know what the guys totally LURVED and what was "MEH" ... some of their comments ... come on cross-border sistah, spill :)

I'm in CT all on my lonesome, working wireless, hot credit cards: hey, I could be dangerous!

medical artists said...

Take care. Keep sharing.I will keep following your blog.